Monday, March 8, 2010

Life Goes On

I was sad to learn of the death of Dick Francis. I think I was one of the last people to interview him. He was very frail but helpful and courteous. He will be missed especially for his books but his son Francis will continue his legacy.

Work at the moment is a bit like the London bus system; nothing and then everything happens. It is so important to prioritise and make lists so that the right deadline is hit on time. I had a long chat with Sylvia Kent the other day and she is so positive and proactive that however gloomy I might feel at the beginning, I am refreshed and invigorated by the end. It's good to have friends like this.

I really couldn't do without Aimee Fry, my webmistress, either. Somehow she makes things seem so easy when I have turned to her in desperation after struggling for ages with my computer. Another bonus is that I have had so many compliments about my website and it is all due to Aimee. We talked about what I do and what I wanted on my site and she came up with some really interesting ideas. The only major thing I changed at the end was the coffee cup on the Links page. She put in a thick white cup and I told her I'd never drink from that so she quickly found a china one!

All creative people can get a bit low, especially at this time of the year. The cold and grey days don't help but then there are the snowdrops and aconites appearing. Spring is almost here.

That said, I have to get on. Three new commissions today. The problem is, which shall I start first?