Thursday, November 19, 2009

Coming to the end of the year

So much seems to happen down here in Dorset that there is never a minute to spare! For some reason my deadlines all seem to arrive at once, however hard I try and spread them out. And so many friends come to stay. They realise I have to work and are not upset when I shut myself away in the study. That is part of the deal!

I have a little wood burner in the study that I have lit a few times when it is really cold weather and it makes such a difference. When I am sitting writing my feet and ankles can get really cold. The woodburner is a great help on a bitterly windy day. All the wood, which is a mixture of oak, ash, beech and sycamore, is stacked neatly at the end of the barn ready for whatever winter has in store.

Now I have to think about Christmas and the new year. It will be a hectic time as usual and then in January I have been asked to run a writing course in Dorchester. I'm really looking forward to it as I love being with other writers. Am I right in believing we think differently from people who are not writers?

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